
God Was NOT Taken Out of Public Schools

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God Was NOT Taken Out of Public Schools

“Separation of church and state” does not mean our children need to leave their faith at the front door of their public school. It’s time for truth to be brought to light and fear dispelled. Children CAN confidently live their faith while in public school, and respectfully share it with others. 

Join Kori Pennypacker for this 45-minute live webinar where she will discuss how children CAN confidently bring their faith into public school.

Topics discussed include:
  • The public school’s role in faith
  • The ways children can freely express their beliefs
  • The misconceptions surrounding the separation of church and state
  • The 3 ways God can stay in public school

If our current webinar dates don't work for you, no worries! A recording of the webinar will be available for all registered attendees. 

You don’t want to miss this — we hope to see you there!
Presentation by
Kori Pennypacker

45 minutes + Q&A

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